“Stand Down” Week 16 – If I Let Him In, Part 3
We begin in the hallway just outside of Jordan’s cell. Sitting in front of its closed, metal door on a wheel-bottomed armchair is Agent Samuel, the very same that had earlier interviewed Scott. At each far side of the hallway, positioned just behind the corners of where it turns out of view, are a total of four guards wielding precision rifles.
Sighing through his nose, Samuel reaches up and opens the room’s sliding peephole. The slap-reminiscent “clack” this sends throughout the room stirs Jordan, who was apparently in the middle of a set of push-ups. Standing up, he takes a few steps towards the open panel. There is still a glass barrier on Jordan’s side of the peephole, separating him from the agent.
AGENT SAMUEL: Feeling cooperative today, mister Shearer?
Jordan is still panting as he gets up closer to the panel, leaning against the door.
JORDAN: Depends if you plan on letting me and Zain go, or giving us literally anything that may make us not hate you.
Agent Samuel looks down at his lap for a moment. He places a hand over his visor, obviously frustrated.
AGENT SAMUEL: We could fill your rooms with what’s essentially a truth serum, but it would render you brain-dead within hours. We want to avoid this, mister Shearer, and you know what we can do to affect you and your loved ones’ home-lives. With every day you don’t cooperate, the worse the situation gets for both you and them. We’ve won already! There’s no more fight to be fought here, mister Shearer! We caught you, and that’s it.
A devious smile crosses Jordan’s face, and he speaks with a mocking sort of vigor:
JORDAN: You guys sure took your sweet time doing it, though. We, like, could’ve done some serious damage in the– what– three days we had before any real resistance.
There is a long silence during which agent Samuel does little more than stare at the glass. His face cannot be seen underneath his mask, nor can his eyes be seen underneath his helmet.
AGENT SAMUEL: I’d advise you not to taunt—
JORDAN: Like, sure, I’m disoriented and this is all real spook-spook, but I’m not fucking afraid of you, at all.
There is another pause.
JORDAN: All this shit you’re saying about threatening my friends and family, taking away my “privileges”– how do I know you won’t still do it if I do comply with your shit? Hell, how do I know you even can do all that?
Agent Samuel can be seen to pull a dossier out of a bag at his side. Keeping it out of Jordan’s view, he opens it and flips through its contents.
JORDAN: Yeah, that’s right, gimme something that’ll prove it.
The hand holding it can be seen to be shaking as Samuel sets the dossier back down into the bag.
Coming back up, the agent slaps the sliding peephole shut.
Inside, Jordan can be seen to rear back from the sudden ending, his smug smile remaining.
Standing up from the chair, Samuel drives a sideways hammer-fist into the door. Inside, the low, hollow sound this produces from the door draws Jordan’s attention, his smile leaving him.
AGENT SAMUEL: Little prick…
Samuel perks back up, swivelling around towards one of the hallway’s turning points as a fearful yell echoes down it to him.
A scene-switch brings us to the source of this screaming, as Doctor Ramsay has managed to bust a small tear into the metal door out of the observation room with the butt of a fire-extinguisher. Having positioned his face right in-front of this aperture, he’s yelling the following out into the building’s main hallway:
The doctor’s voice is quickly drowned out by the screaming of an automatic gun’s fire, and the sound of bullets hitting hard crystal.
Moving to the room’s interior, we see the following:
Yelling over the gunfire, the sound of chipping crystal and the abhorrent screeching of the pink beast, the heavily-armed guard’s voice is almost intelligible:
Despite the obvious pushing strength of the gunfire’s stream, the neon crag of a creature forces itself still further into the observer’s room. Even whilst under fire, the thing is probing the room with its head, searching for the cased arrow that had been knocked away in the chaos.
Colossus’ user, Zain, is sat on the wall under the window. Crystal can be seen generating around his chest and head, slowly encasing him as armor.
Outside the observer’s room and out into the hallway, far towards a cafeteria-esque area, stands the janitor in blue. Looking towards the door behind which the cacophony of screaming, yelling and gunfire can be heard, he’s quaking in his work-shoes.
Sweat can be seen forming on his brow as he mutters, seemingly to himself, as he takes a step towards the door:
JANITOR: I-I should go help them… this sort of breach is no joke…
A change of angle shows us that he is, in fact, not entirely alone: Floating near the back-side of his neck, we can see the front half of an eye and an entire ear, trails of flesh-shaded mist sourcing them to pores on the janitor’s neck.
All too quickly as he speaks, more of this mist manifests from out of his entire neck to encircle it, being a mixture of a fleshy and silvery color. Solidifying in place, the mist takes the form of disembodied hands and a machete being held, guillotine-like, by both of them to be right before the janitor’s throat. He stops in place again, his eyes flitting down to the gleaming blade.
A disembodied mouth manifests right behind his ear:
ANGOSIN: No, you won’t be going anywhere near that. Down to the hangar, like I said.
JANITOR: All right, all right…
As the janitor makes his way into the empty cafeteria, towards the staircase down at its opposite end, Angosin’s disembodied mouth continues to speak raspily into his ear:
ANGOSIN: That’s right, you shouldn’t want to die here. For a long time, now, I’ve been seeing through the eyes of others. I’ve been learning and maturing at the rate of tens of thousands of desperate people like this, and people advance quickly when they are desperate. This growth, let me tell you, is a beautiful thing. You should want to keep growing. You shouldn’t want to die a janitor, where you obviously haven’t hit your full potential.
Back in the forest, where we see Wenji sat with her back to a tree, the rest of Angosin’s body is visible. He is standing stock-still, with his hands and portions of his face trailing into a fleshy mist, as if they were vaporizing right off of him. The wisps trail off into the air to Angosin’s right, their tails reducing to nothing as they all point in the same direction.
Suddenly, though this elicits no reaction from the obviously bored Wenji, the direction the wisps point in changes. Whipping fast to the left and dispersing over Angosin’s head, they point behind him now– to deep in the forest behind them.
Cutting to the cabin that Wenji had ran from not too long ago, we see Ookomisan sitting outside, on its front steps. She is obviously distraught; her hair is a mess and her eyes are bloodshot.
The buzzing of a few insects perks her attention, and she looks up to them quickly.
Three small flies make their way to her, and as they do she clears the hair from one side of her head, freeing an ear.
Two of them landing on her outstretched finger, she looks at them solemnly as the third crawls quickly into her exposed ear.
As soon as it enters does it crawl back out, zipping behind Ookomisan to inside the cabin. We see that her eyes have darkened and her frown has deepened.
As she’s bringing her finger up to her ear, likely to feed another fly into it, one of Angosin’s eyes, one of his ears, and his mouth appear from out of her clothes. They float, silently, behind her head for a moment before the mouth moves:
ANGOSIN: Interesting little ability you have.
Ookomisan whips around, the fear on her face only intensifying as she sees what was just talking. A pitiful little old-woman gasp escapes her mouth as she does this.
ANGOSIN: You can implant thoughts and feelings into bugs, and even look at and affect others’ minds. I remember, I’ve seen you command them, and send messages with them. Not as powerful as the girl’s, though, you have to first have the things in your ear before you can command them or see their thoughts.
Ookomisan can be seen to sputter.
OOKOMISAN: Y– you have Wenji?!
ANOGSIN: You used this power to try and find the girl’s dead father. You’ve been using it again to try and find her, aren’t you?
Ookomisan tries to grab at the sensory organs floating but a couple feet from her face. As her hands get near them, the eye, ear and mouth all disappear completely, only re-appearing as Ookomisan’s hands fall back to near her chest.
ANGOSIN: And yes, I have her. We’ve been having a pleasant little hike.
Ookomisan seems ready to lunge for the floating amalgams again, but refrains. Her expression is rife with anger and defiance now, the fear having disappeared.
OOKOMISAN: She is her father’s daughter! You may think you’ve captured her, but she’ll have you dead within the day.
ANGOSIN: I don’t think so, Ookomisan. She left you, and travels with me, of her own free will.
Manifesting just under the floating organs in a silvery mist, Wenji’s machete appears, the hand holding it following close behind.
ANGOSIN: She even entrusted me with her machete.
OOKOMISAN: Please, I– bring her back to me.
ANGOSIN: I will do no such thing. In fact, I think that you’ll be doing me a favor, instead.
The wispy facial organs move closer to Ookomisan’s face.
ANGOSIN: In exchange for her… continued safety.
Ookomisan falls backwards off the steps, horror and realization on her face. Angosin’s facial organs follow her.
ANGOSIN: You’re going to put one of your little bugs in my ear, and have it take some specific ideas of my choosing out with it. You’re going to make that bug compliant with my plans, which are to plant it on one of the birds going with Wenji to those mountains, and plant those ideas of mine into a certain someone…
OOKOMISAN: And you… you won’t hurt her if I do this?
ANGOSIN: She’ll go unharmed until you lie to me in any way, shape or form. You try to plant any idea in my head as you send one of your bugs in, and I’ll move this machete’s blade to solidify inside her stomach.
Back on Wenji’s end, no sound is coming from Angosin. We see Wenji to be looking over at Angosin, two ravens having perched on her shoulders.
A scene change brings us back to Zain, Ramsay and the heavy-duty guard as Colossus has fully entered the room, still under fire. Barely visible behind the spirit, his front half completely plated in crystal, is Zain, clambering drunkenly in behind it. Ramsy can be seen in the room’s rightmost corner, digging through a drawer underneath the filing cabinet.
As Colossus begins to bound at the guard, screeching out a sound of breaking glass, the guard shifts his gun down and to his left.
The crystal monolith stops in place, going silent as Zain’s wild eyes have angled down to see what the guard’s gun is now pointed at.
Right by the huge gun’s nozzle, almost touching it, is the black case the arrow had been seen in, face-down on the ground.
The silence the room enters is disturbed only by Zain’s panting and Ramsay’s frantic searching through the drawer.
HEAVY DUTY GUARD: ‘Would be a shame if this thing got up and shot to dust after all you’d done to get it.
The crystal encasing still growing to cover more of him, now fully protecting his arms and legs, Zain lets out a muffled, mocking laugh as he turns to gesture at the black case.
Zain’s yelling is cut short as a dart hits him in the unprotected square of his neck, a place to which the crystal had not yet grown to.
Letting out a shrill, surprised croak, Zain turns to face Ramsay, who is fear-frozen in place with the dart gun he had fished from the drawer still pointing at Zain.
Zain and Colossus roar at Ramsay in tandem, both leaping onto him. Zain’s right arm is overlapped by Colossus’ as it vice-grips Ramsay by the shoulder.
The guard twists in place to keep his gun trained on Zain as he leaps for Ramsay, hearing only a dull click as he aims it for his legs.
The guard leaps for Zain, dropping the machine-gun as he does so.
He is too late prevent Ramsay’s harm, as Zain’s bespirited grappling arm presses its thumb hard into Ramsay’s left collarbone, shattering it in two with a dull, rocky cracking sound.
Ramsay’s screaming drowns out all other sound as the guard pries Zain off of him, Colossus disappearing as Zain passes out.
A black screen with the words “A few hours later” at its center can be seen for a few moments.
Afterwards, Zain can be seen sat limply back in his cell, covered in bruises and dirt. His hair obscures his face
Just leaving the room, pushing the containment crate that Zain had before been carried in, are two guards. One of them is the very same as had been seen defending Ramsay.
The other guard looks at him as the doors shut behind them, his voice changer hiding whether his words are sincere:
GUARD: Damn good job you did dealing with this one, ‘Syd. Shame that arrow thing got lost in the scuffle.
After the guards leave, with Syd looking back at Zain before the doors fully close, Zain’s eyes open. They both flit, mostly hidden under his hair, towards a far corner of the room. Despite his poor condition, a smile can be seen on his face.
In the corner of the room in question, a small shard of crystal can be seen. The shard is so thin and reflective that it holds none of the usual coloration, instead mirroring the opposite corner of the room. This renders it nearly invisible.
Hidden behind the shard is the arrow’s gold-bronze tip, glinting ominously in the room’s pale light.
Switching scenes back to the janitor, he now can be seen to be standing in a massive, windowless and hangar-like chamber and before a line of massive, black helicopters. Far behind them, groups of tanks, jets, and various other kinds of vehicles and machines can be seen.
A mouth materializes by the janitor’s head, mist-wreathed as before.
ANGOSIN: Yes, any of these will do. Get in one, and I’ll direct you to us.