“Stand Down” Week 57 – No Installment
“Stand Down” Week 56 – No Installment
“Stand Down” Week 55 – No Installment
oh why don’t we just put cigarettes out on my dick
“Stand Down” Week 54 – The Mariner’s Revenge Song
A boy nearing the end of his teen years sits on his bed, in his room. His eyes drift, though his mind vibrates, a hot needle, focused on something not in front of him. A dresser. A hat-stand, though it’s just for the novelty. A computer-setup upon a desk– one layered with papers. Some hold…
“Stand Down” Week 53 – No Installment
ugh fuck
“Stand Down” Week 52 – No Installment
“Stand Down” Week 51 – No Installment
“Stand Down” Week 50 – TURNING POINT
All is still, now, save for the fire sidling across the hall’s borders. In Geoul’s bent arm lies the head of his mother. Her face is contorted in fear, and her essence is dripping down to his elbow. There is a woman in front of him. She is poised like a warrior; her footing wide-set…
“Stand Down” Week 49 – No Installment
“Stand Down” Week 48 – Stuck Down The Wrong Rabbit Hole
It is all Jordan can do to help Jocelyn carry him, propping an arm of his against the tunnel’s sloping wall. It was a worthless gesture, as she has him in something of a bridal carry. Jocelyn seemed as aware as Jordan just how uncomfortably intimate this position was, despite its necessity– given the state…